Please contact Joseph Seaton at:
Mob: 07541 265 956
Hello, I'm Joseph Seaton, a teacher, trainer & project manager. I worked at British Council Afghanistan for 4 years from 2016 - 2020, as Deputy Director, Senior Project Manager & English Manager.
During my time in Kabul, I trained, managed and worked alongside the teachers who have been forgotten in Afghanistan. I witnessed at first hand their commitment, passion and determination, in the face of very real challenges. I have since witnessed the way the BC and the UK Government have treated these teachers, and am disappointed.
While I am a great admirer of the work the BC do around the world, I feel they have failed this cohort of teachers, and I believe they need to do much more to resolve the situation.

I am a strong believer in the importance of teachers, and also in the fact that organisations need to value their teachers, and treat them with the respect and humanity they deserve. I'm urging the British Council to continue to put pressure on the UK Government to ensure this cohort of At Risk Teachers gets ACRS approval, and relocated to safety as soon as possible. They did dangerous work at our request and they deserve fair treatment. It's not too late for the UK Government & the British Council to recognize their short comings and increase their efforts to resolve this issue.