Advisory Committee
The 'At Risk Teachers' Advisory Committee draws on the Knowledge & experience of a number of advisors, all of whom have an active interest in the plight of Afghans who have been forced to flee their homeland.

Baroness Julie Smith
Julie is passionate about the safety and rights of Afghans who assisted the UK in Afghanistan. As a member of the House of Lords & a lecturer in International Relations she has a broad understanding of the issues associated with UK allies left behind in Afghanistan.

Meral Hussein Ece
Meral is committed to holding leaders to account to ensure the safety and well being of UK allies. She has previously supported teachers in Afghanistan in a number of ways, including asking questions on their behalf in Parliament, and challenging leaders to take responsibility,

Special Adviser
Sir Nick Kay
Nick is the former British Ambassador to Afghanistan & also the former 'NATO Senior Civilian Representative in Afghanistan'. He has extensive knowledge of diplomatic processes, and has been voicing his support for the teachers since the UK left Afghanistan in 2021.

Joseph Seaton
Joe worked as English Manager & Deputy Director at British Council Afghanistan (2016 - 2020). He established the 'At Risk Teachers' campaign to support abandoned colleagues he had trained, managed and worked alongside in Afghanistan.

Education Adviser
Melody Mason
Melody is an ELT & ESOL expert, passionate about the rights and safety of teachers worldwide. She has worked in language training world wide, and delivers English training to displaced people in the UK, while also working in the higher education secotr.

UK Afghanistan Adviser
Wais worked for the British Council in Afghanistan for over 10 years. He is the survivor of multiple Taliban attacks, and is one of only a few BC teachers to have made it to the UK under ACRS. He continues to support and advocate on behalf of his former colleagues.

Media Adviser
Tim Walker
Tim is a former journalist & author who has been instrumental in getting several Afghans safely out of Afghanistan. He now works in public relations and is an active supporter of the At Risk Teachers campaign.

Afghan Adviser
Nazila was a teacher on the English for Afghans programme (2017 - 2020). She managed to escape Afghanistan and flee to Pakistan last year, and continues to provide valuable information & updates on the challenges faced by the 'At Risk Teachers'.


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